Expand Your Fandom - LacrosseReference
This is the college lacrosse coverage you've been missing.
Expand your fandom with LacrosseReference PRO
We Cover Your TeamCoverage of Your Team
If you are a fan of a top-20 program, you are not hurting for coverage. But if you aren't PRO is your best source for coverage and content of your team, no matter who your team is.
Beyond the FluffBeyond the Fluff
We don't do human-interest here. Everyone has something they can do better. Our analyses celebrate the good but don't shy away from the constructive criticism that can actually help players get better.
Rapid ReportsRapid Reports
Get the LacrosseReference perspective sent straight to your phone or email within minutes of the final whistle. You'll know, what happened, as soon as it happened.
PRO Unlocked - Try it Free
Each week, I'm unlocking two teams to give you a feel for what LR PRO has to offer. This week, it's Yale WLAX and Navy MLAX.
LacrosseReference PRO is for college lacrosse fans who want a new way to follow the sport. Basketball, football, even baseball. Pick almost any other sport and there are dozens of ways to follow. To date, college lacrosse fans have been less fortunate. Outside of watching games your choices are a) read the existing boring game recaps or b) hang out in forums. LacrosseReference PRO is for fans who want more.
With PRO, you'll have access to my most cutting edge statistics and deeper level of customization over the lacrosse content you see. And with my no-questions-asked money-back guarantee, you'll never have to worry whether it's worth the money. If it's not, just cancel any time before your subscription ends and get a full refund.