Coach Smarter - LacrosseReference PRO
Prepare faster. Coach smarter.
Detailed opponent match-ups. Gut check on your team. Full access to the LR database.
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LacrosseReference PRO is exclusively for college lacrosse teams that want to harness data and analytics to save time, gain a competitive edge, and motivate their players. If your staff has the ability to interpret and utilize data effectively, PRO will help you make your team better.
We all know that games are won and lost on a razor's edge; PRO gives you those small edges that can add up to more wins. And with the time-saving features, it can free up your assistants to spend more time coaching and less time with tedious charting tasks. Throw in my no-questions-asked money-back guarantee, and you'll never have to worry whether it's worth the cost. If it's not, just cancel any time before your subscription ends and get a full refund.
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