NCAA Lacrosse Win Totals Contest - LacrosseReference
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  • Pick over/under win totals for the D1 season
  • Pick as few as 10 teams or as many as you want
  • Live updates and exclusive LR Pro features
  • Free to play
College lacrosse is fun. Make it even more fun by giving yourself a stake in every game.
College lacrosse is fun. Make it even more fun by giving yourself a stake in every game.
The lacrosse season is more than half over; when the year is done will you think: "it's done already?" Since nobody wants to feel like they didn't enjoy the season to the fullest, you should go beyond the telecasts, forums, and vanilla stats you see elsewhere.
LacrosseReference PRO tells the story of the season, with its heroes and villains, in a different way. Deep stats tell richer stories. And richer stories are more satisfying. Experience the players, the games, and the season with deep stats as your helpful guide. Become a PRO subscriber today.
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